ArtikelID: 25 | seoTitlePre: | nameArticle: |basePath: /var/www/virtual/
Stefan Hattenbach, a colleague from Sweden posted in Facebook about the first sketches of this typeface: »Hubert, brave curves«. That is the reason for the name. Although I did not feel brave when I did the curves, they still have this unusual twist and some unconventional forms. BraverySans is a very classic sans serif face and works perfect as a companion to Bravery. It serves well in books and magazines. The family goes from Book up to Ultrabold all with italics.
You can also find the capital ß. And don't discuss with me about that:-)
In the standard set the main figures are tabular but with a proportional old style figure set as a feature.
Traditional and stylistic ligatures are also part of the feature set.